Posts Tagged ‘deretsun’


Hayate no Gotoku! Dream Apocalypse


Some genius made this awesome RPG based on my favorite series of all time, Hayate no Gotoku!

You guys should definitely check it out.  It’s about time someone made a game based on this manga, oh wait…

Also, since naming this game, I’ve acquired the ability to spell apocalypse correctly without the aid of spellcheck, yaya!

For those of you who enjoy writing style and antics, I’ll be happy to fill you in on my status with anime in general.  I have not touched anime in like a month in a half.  Slow internet mixed with my anime watching habits (watching in spurts) are the culprits.  The latter of the two is especially detrimental for me as an aniblogger because, well, up-to-date shows don’t allow for no spurt watching that’s for sure.  This is a real shame because for the short time (relatively speaking to the big dogs.  Seriously, there are aniblogs that live for less than a week before disintegrating into a pile of cyber goo.) that I’ve been aniblogging, I’ve enjoyed it immensely.  The community wasn’t half bad either.  Talking about anime (a real passion of mine) with other people proved to be a lot of fun, albeit taxing.

I’ve realized that the most important thing about aniblogging is forming a habit.  I don’t think about brushing my teeth or taking showers.  If I somehow had just discovered those two “activities” randomly today, I’d be hard pressed to continue.  Seriously, that shit, when combined, takes up relatively the same time as blogging one entry on a blog.  It is only because I formed habits of doing so (and because I don’t want to smell like a pile of gorrila poo/be ridiculed by society) that I continue.  The same with blogging.  It all depends on habit.  For if a habit is formed, it will seem virtually effortless, wheras on the other hand, it can be a real pain, despite it’s pleasures.

Here’s to me hopefully picking back up my anime momentum again and start writing, because I’m really looking forward to it ;)


New Blog Banner!


Finally, Deretsun is graced with a real blog banner.  The previous two banners were created by yours truly, and they sucked royal eggs.  I’m still learning this photoshop business (a newer version of photoshop might help…), but who has time to wait? I am deeply greatful of Roxkis, the maker of this new banner.  Disappointed by the incompatibility of a shoddy banner and a quality blog (I flatter myself), Roxkis took it upon himself to make a brand new one for me.

Thanks again Roxkis!


Ogiue Chika, tsundere?

This is my second article in the tsundere? series.  Today we will tackle the topic of Ogiue, the withdrawn fujoshi from Genshiken. The character archetype tsundere is definitely not as simple as black and white.  There are characters who are blatantly tsundere (Kugimiya) and ones that feature tsundere tendencies but aren’t necessarily tsundere themselves (borderline tsundere).  There are also different forms of tsundere, such as ones that expresses their tsun tsun side by beating the shit out of the protagonist (the violent ones), ones that give the protagonist the cold shoulder, ones that don’t necessarily express their tsundere toward a love interest, but at the entire cast, etc.  We will hopefully explore all of these aspects of this topic, but for now…

Ogiue Chika from Genshiken

Does she qualify as a tsunderekko? And if so, does she succeed as one?

Does she qualify as a tsunderekko? And if so, does she succeed as one?

Read the rest of this entry ?


My 2D, moe complex

Not the least bit moe, but still one badass motherfucker.

Not the least bit moe, but still one badass motherfucker.

I’m looking over my blog (because that’s the kind of thing I do whenever I get something new and shiny), and I’ve noticed that all of the pictures I’ve posted have to do with one form of a cute 2D girl or another (Hottest male character post included…) Read the rest of this entry ?


Anime conundrum


A large amount of anime series are stemmed from manga, light novels or some other original source.  For me, anime is the best medium for enjoying a series.  It has music, voice acting and animation (who would have thought…), features that I find very necessary in bringing a story fully to life and that are absent from the other forms of medium subsequently mentioned.  However, anime often have a glaring weakness that often bothers me – Read the rest of this entry ?


My random manga


Based on Fire Emblem 7, a game I thoroughly enjoy, this one page depiction of Lyn’s encounter with the two knights Kent and Sain is my only work in which I bothered to ink and present in a semi-professional manner. As you can see, I hold no control over drawing any back drops nor do I possess the skill of drawing interesting panel designs, poses or angles. Nonetheless, it is a hobby of mine.